What is mindfulness?

We live in a busy beautiful world - we’re always go go go. When did you last sit there? To give your brain a chance to unwind, notice thoughts and feelings, re-energise and get creative.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is ‘Paying attention in a particular way; on purpose in the present moment, non- judgmentally.’ Jon Kabat - Zinn

The present moment is simply noticing what is happening right here, right now. Not thinking about the future (which can often lead to anxiety) or the past (dwelling in the past can often lead to regret, sadness or depression). Right here, right now.

Mindfulness supports us to see things from a different perspective and change our relationship with thoughts, feelings, memories and body sensations so that they no longer take hold of us. It is not about blocking thoughts and emotions, but rather just acknowledging and noticing them. We can’t change experiences around us, but we can change our perspective on them.

There is no wrong or right way to do mindfulness, it is simply just noticing what is going on in this present moment.

We have turned into human doings, not human beings!

We can often get so caught up in our thoughts, worrying about what others think of us, taking things personally, and having expectations of ourselves - that we are missing the present moment and what is actually going on.  

Mindfulness is a way of being - being mindful in this present moment.

Mindfulness is also a practice. We can practise mindfulness in many different ways.

Ways to support mindfulness:

  • Listen to a guided relaxation - body scan, breathing or listening to sounds around you

  • Go for a walk or sit in nature

  • Tools down for the day aka no technology

  • Write in a journal - 3 things that went well for you today and why

  • Go outside and notice 3 things you can see, hear and feel

If you are looking at bringing more mindfulness into your life - we have programmes for both children and adults. Check out our programmes!


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