What is neuroplasticity?(Rewiring your brain)

Ever changed a habit? This is neuroplasticity at its finest. 

Imagine it as highways we have developed for ourselves throughout our life depending on life's circumstances. So when we are creating new ones it's like taking the road less travelled. When we are hungry, tired, stressed or burnt out, we fall back on the well-used highways because they are easier to take.  

Sometimes it won’t go perfectly on your new road, and that’s to be expected. We have to take this new road and practising using it over and over again to form this new pathway so that this pathway is a well-travelled road.

Examples: I'm not a runner, I'm not smart enough, I'm not good enough or reacting to a situation that triggers you every time.

Your subconscious doesn't know the difference between right or wrong, it just reacts to whatever you tell it.

Create a new habit, and do it over and over again...

All of the thoughts, feelings and actions we experience can be rewired!!

How long does it take to rewire your brain and change these new pathways?

As the saying goes ‘it takes 21 days to change a habit’, which is enough time to build that thought which will become a long term thought and memory, but in order to turn that thought into a habit, you need to practise for another 42 days, nine weeks in total.

Want a simple brain rewiring tool? Try our new 'The Art of a positive mind' Five minute a day journal - This journal will support you and your thoughts for all nine weeks.

You can go three minutes without oxygen, but not even three seconds without thinking. So you need to learn to manage your mind and control your thoughts so that they don’t control you.

If you want to really dive deep into rewiring your thoughts and actions, create rituals and experience a deeper sense of purpose . . .

Check out our 3-week or 6-week course’s to create change and optimise your potential and check out our simple, yet powerful journal to rewire your brain.

Further links:



"Within the last four decades, our view of the mature vertebrate brain has changed significantly. Today it is generally accepted that the adult brain is far from being fixed. A number of factors such as stress, adrenal and gonadal hormones, neurotransmitters, growth factors, certain drugs, environmental stimulation, learning, and aging change neuronal structures and functions." Eberhard Fuchs and Gabriele Flügge


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